Prayer Vigil Sign Up
As our New River Valley Walks to Emmaus are being held, we invite you to pray for the pilgrims on that weekend by signing up for the 72-hour prayer vigil - the vigil is broken up into 1 hour segments.
Please feel free to sign up for one or more prayer vigil time slots as an act of agape.
Sign up for Walk 84 Prayer Vigil!!
Use this link to sign up to pray for Walk 84 Pilgrims and Staff.
6pm October 26 to 7pm October 29
You may pick one or more 60 minute periods.
You will be asked to put in your name (so the pilgrims can see who is praying for them.
You will be asked for your email address so we can keep you posted.
And, you MAY post a comment that will show up on the roster.
Use the following link: